Wednesday, September 29, 2010


they say we only use 10% of our brains. drop and explore. open up your mothafuckin minds and dont be so closed like a fucking box. spin it JACK it and see what happens

what we do in SF

its pretty windy...

nurture nature

extinction sucks

Thursday, July 15, 2010



summer. as calvin harris said, "now i dont care what you dress like, or what you wear, but please make sure baby, you got some colours in there". listen to the man. let the sunshine brighten your outfits bitches.


a friend of a friend. i admire her fashion, curves, and amazing talent to be photogenic while eating a popsicle. Atlanta and Jesse (not pictured) will soon be on every print/electro screen. just wait. XX


i have always wanted them. Directions anyone?

cooler than me

ok alright i get it. i wont ever be that cool "it" girl. i wanna try. no cut try. i will. but then i stay awake long nights popping V's and wondering WHAT THE FUCK went wrong? how come they get the likes and the followers and the cool skinny pics while me, here, writing on a cotton sheeted bed gets to be solo with no notifications or miss you remarks. you can probably guess what im talking about. yes your right, im pathetic but hey what can i do. its how i feel. i feel like i should delete it. but then i would be cut off from the world - where would i be with out constantly checking out other peoples lives. its all minute by minute tick toc tick toc wasting our time. id rather be catching Z's or popping more V's
but then again, i am a little crazy, an anxiety filled insomniac who constantly searches the mind for questions and doubt upon myself and maybe others? i dont know its all judgemental and id prefer to live as a cat.